Moonacre Montano

Regular price $ 500.00
3/2009 Montano, gets better each time we look at him. His fleece has a low scale, silky handle with incredible shine. It exhibits a high amplitude, high frequency crimp along a lengthy staple and bundles beautifully (the photo does not begin to do it justice).
Montano's conformation is solid, square and well proportioned with great coverage.

Dense, fine, bright and curly best describes his fleece, all in the most beautiful mahogany color.

  Awards Received
2009 Spring
2nd Northeast Expo MB Juvenile Males
3rd MAPACA MB Juvenile Males-Timmerman
4th NAAS MB Juvenile Males-Anderson
2009 Fall
1st Green Mnt. Alpaca Fall Spectacular fleece H Brown A
CHAMPION Green Mnt. Alpaca Fall Spectacular fleece H Brown championship
spring 2010
1st MAPACA halter yearling MB
3rd MAPACA bred&owned dark yearling M
2nd North American halter yearling MB
5th North American bred&owned yearling M
1st Northeast Expo halter yearling MB
5th Northeast Expo bred&owned yearling M